Rabu, 30 April 2014

Tugas 2 Rangkuman materi

Nama         : Denny Nursetyawan 
Npm           : 21211857 
Kelas          : 3EB08

Each, Every               Singular Noun                 Singular Verb
Ø  Each book in the library is very interesting
Ø  Every girl & boy is in the class
Subject yang di ikuti propositional phrase, verb singular / plural ditentukan oleh subjeknya.
Ø  The historical  book on that table is interesting
Ø  The fruit price at those markets is cheap
Gerund sebagai subjek, verb harus Singular
Ø  Eating Vegetables is Good for your health
Ø  Walking in the park is realiting
v  Some of         Singular Noun
v  A lot of          Verb Singular
v  Most of          Plural Noun
v  A half of        Verb Plural
Ø  Some of book are hers
Ø  Most of our assing ment is easy
v  One of              
v  Each of                Selalu di ikuti plural noun       Verb singular
v  Every one of
Ø  One of my friends is here
The number of (Jumlah). plural noun, verb singular
A number of (Banyak / Sejumlah). Plural noun, verb plural
Ø  Sejumlah mahasiswa telat hari ini
Ø  A number of students are late today
Ø  Jumlah mahasiswa di kelas ini 40
Ø  The number of students in the class is fourty person

Contoh :
Ø  Bahaya kebakaran hutan tidak di tangani secara serius
Ø  The danger of forest fires is not to be taken seriously ( singular subject)
Ø  Anak- anak di dalam kamar sedang belajar
Ø  The boys in the room are studying ( Plural subject)